How You Found My Blog: New York Mets

11 08 2007

Now this is a blog I can write about! Recently, there has been a large number of readers coming to the blog, looking for websites or information about the “New York Mets”. I happen to be a die hard Mets fan, so finding my blog linked to that search term made me pretty darn happy! So how can I satisfy the needs of those who stumble upon my blog looking for Mets information, when I hardly write about them?

With some Zen, of course! Ladies and Gentlemen of the blogging world, I give you, the worst Mets pitcher in the history of Blernsball!

My god! She’s even worse than Mike Pelfrey!

How You Found My Blog: Yankees Evil Empire

26 07 2007

Now this is a search term I can really relate to! In this installment of “How You Found My Blog”, I tackle this weeks most popular click-through in relation to the blog, and my personal favorite so far, “Yankees Evil Empire”. Why do I enjoy this search term so much? It’s actually very simple. I’m a Mets fan!

Now, when I saw I enjoy the search term, it’s because I can openly and honestly say that I “despise” the Yankees. But why, you ask? Let me breakdown what, exactly, I despise and don’t despire about the Yankees.

Yankees Evil Empire

I don’t despise the players on the club. How could you? Derek Jeter is going to the hall, as well as Mariano. Plus, the players around them are damn good as well! And A-Rod? Any Yankees fan who hates this guy, should be stripped of his/her fandom. Seriously, Alex Rodriguez is going to crush Barry Bonds’ eventual Single Season Home Run Record. He’s only 31 years of age and he’s just 1 dinger shy of 500. If anybody should hate this guy, it’s opposing pitchers! The Yankees need to keep Alex Rodriguez at all costs.

What I do despise (which is more like a “who”), is the *stereotypical* Yankees Fan. I’m only singling out a specific demographic of fan. Why? Because not all fans of a sports team are bad people. Not all fans are bad fans. But there’s a certain breed of New York baseball fans that are so despicable, and so disrespectful to other fans, and people. Let’s dive into an experience at Yankee Stadium, as told by a good friend of mine (who when told I was going to blog about it, wished to remain anonymous).

My good friend was attending a Yankees/Mariners game at the Stadium a few years ago. This friend was neither a Yankees nor Mariners fan, but just a fan of the game. A Mariners player whacked a home run into the crowd, which my friend then obtained after the ball had bounced around the seats a bit. After being told to throw the ball back into play by the fans around the area, my friend then hid the ball from sight and kept it. After being boo’d intensely and a little name-calling, my friend felt the cold chill of beer all over. Why? Because a couple of fans (who were obviously drunk and rowdy) decided it was cool to douse someone in beer because that person wasn’t a Yankees Fan in their own stadium.

Remember, I’m only talking about the tiny (less than 1%) of fans that would do something like pour beer over somebody’s head. I’m not only a Mets fan, but a fan of the game, and I respect every fan’s opinion. I know that the story above is a rare one, and every team has its group of disgusting fans… but this is a post specific to the most popular click-through at the moment, so I’m just catering to the readers. But I’m curious… Do you have any bad experiences with Yankees fans? Maybe a bad experience with fans of a team aside from the Yankees? I’d love to hear them! Leave them in a comment, and leave them anonymously if you wish.

So how can I end a post like this on a perfect note? With a little Zen, of course! Hey Peter, tell us about the latest in-game craze at the ballpark, will ya?

Buttscratcher? Buttscratcher!