Sleep vs Sugar

29 10 2007

Nobody wants sugar as badly as this kid!

Colbert in Percentages

24 10 2007

iPod + Colbert

According to Rasmussen Reports, Stephen Colbert has earned himself double-digit percentage points as a Third-Party candidate next to candidates like Hillary Clinton, Rudy Guliani, and Fred Thompson in a telephone survey of 1,200 likely voters.

This gem of information just made my month, so here it is, for you to gander upon!

Scenario 1:
Clinton (D) – 45%
Guliani (R) – 35%
Colbert (I) – 15%

Scenario 2:
Clinton (D) – 46%
Thompson (R) – 34%
Colbert (I) – 12%

His small percentage might only be based off of the small number of 1,200, but that’s all I need to put a smile on my face. Remember, he doesn’t want to be president. He only wants to run.

Colbert 2008!

This is Children’s Television

22 10 2007

Children’s television has gotten way out of hand. Cookie Monster not eating cookies unless he has vegetables too? Where’s Snuffy? Bring back Fraggle Rock! How about the Care Bears? Today’s children’s television is terrible, which is why I am sharing a clip with you all that embodies a more informative children’s television show. Gali the Alligator introduces children to the “real” alligator, unlike the ones they might see on puppet shows. They don’t talk to you. They don’t shake hands. They’re also not entirely friendly. Gali, show them how its done!

Watch out for Gali!

If you actually thought I would let my (future) kids watch a show like this, you must be out of your mind. I just thought this was a funny clip… and it was! Keep chompin’ and stompin’ Gali!

Be Honest…

16 10 2007

Did you laugh?

Digg This Story: Soundscape Soul on (The Top 25)

16 10 2007

Soundscape Soul is getting closer to making it back to Austin, TX for the second straight season in’s Fenom Competition! With your daily votes, they could also be making site history, being the first artist/performer in the site’s history to be voted into 3 consecutive Top 5 appearances.

Please click below and Digg this story. Remember to vote for Soundscape Soul on both Pop and Singer/Songwriter Stages!

Singer/Songwriter Stage | Pop Stage | Digg Story

Fun With Censorship

14 10 2007

Can you f*** yourself now?

Death of a Dell Monitor

11 10 2007

Yep, that’s my recording! Farewell, displayer of pixels!

Everybody Loves Grover

10 10 2007

Elmo and Ernie ain’t got nothing on Grover and Madeline!

Call Me Insensitive

8 10 2007

Regardless of whatever Bill O’Reilly is arguing about, he makes me laugh! This video is an argument between Bill and Geraldo Rivera about a drunk driving death and an involved illegal immigrants status in this country. Sure, what they argue about is nothing to laugh about. But watching their reactions to each other has got me rolling on the floor! Enjoy!

Go Geraldo Go!

Dance With Me!

8 10 2007

Dance the Dance of Life!