Little Bill

3 10 2008

Being a big fan of The Colbert Report since its inception, I’ve started to watch “The O’Reilly Factor” only because of the constant jabs that Stephen Colbert takes at Bill O’Reilly. I don’t agree with much of anything Bill has to say, and I would classify his show as a comedy of its own, rather than an informative source of news (because everything that Fox News puts out there makes me laugh). That all being said, I came across this video of Bill O’Reilly as a kid. No, it’s not really his child-self, but it’s a funny retrospect of what Bill O’Reilly might have been like if he hosted “The Factor” as a kid. Enjoy!

So that’s why Hurricanes keep on coming!

Welcome to Perfectville

5 02 2008

Months ago, I trashed Reebok for allowing a misprinted advertisement to be posted on the NYC subways. Hopefully, nobody was fired, but who knows. But today, I’m praising Reebok for their newest advertisement. Now, I’m no Giants fan, but I was happy to see the Giants beat New England in the Super Bowl. I’m a Jets fan at heart, and any day the Patriots lose is a great day. There’s no better way to sell your product AND shove it in the face of New England, than by releasing this gem of a commercial.

Happy Off-Season, Pats!

Pepsi Beats Up Timberlake

4 02 2008

It’s pretty much been established that Justin Timberlake is a hilarious actor. Whenever he was on Saturday Night Live, I couldn’t stop laughing at his crazy antics. Pepsi just released a new commercial during the Super Bowl that features Mr. Timberlake and has a small cameo by his “Dick in a Box” sidekick, Andy Samberg. I think this is one of the funniest commercials of all time, aside from Justin taking a beating. One of these days, I’d like to see Justin take a year off from music and take on a year on SNL as a cast member. But anyway, here’s the commercial spot.

Mailbox, 12 o’clock! Ouch…

I’m on TV!

9 11 2007

Okay, I’m not REALLY on TV, but a friend of mine created a commercial spot for my band. Eli Poulin, who performed with my band in Austin, TX back in July, created a super cool commercial to help promote our music in the iTunes Music Store! Excuse me, for I’m still a little giddy after watching it for the 50th time! Check it out!

Super Cool!

In other news, my band is back in the Top 10 on for the 3rd straight season, and we’re hoping to get enough support to make it back to Austin for the 2nd straight season. If you haven’t yet, cast your vote for us on the Pop Stage, so we can perform for you during a Live Webcast that you can watch right there on your computer. To find our voting page, click here. All you need to do is create a fanatic/vote account, or log in to your current account (if you’ve already created one). Once you’re all logged on, head back to our voting page and click on the “Vote” button while our video is playing. If you cast your vote once a day, we’ll be sure to make it back to Austin for another show!

Send this blogger back to Texas!

Fun With Censorship

14 10 2007

Can you f*** yourself now?

Everybody Loves Grover

10 10 2007

Elmo and Ernie ain’t got nothing on Grover and Madeline!

Science Is Cool, He Said So!

13 06 2007

Are you a child of the 80’s? Did you watch TV everyday before you left for school? Did you watch Nickelodeon? Did you watch Mr. Wizard’s World? Did you enjoy the show? If you answers ‘Yes’ straight through those five questions, then do I have some news for you.

My fellow Nickelodeon-watching children of the 80’s, we have lost yet another icon of our era of television. Mr. Wizard himself, Don Herbert, lost his battle with cancer yesterday and passed away at the age of 89. In case you might have had a brief memory lapse, here’s a little clip that should jog your memory of the show.

I vividly remember watching Mr. Wizard’s World almost everyday before I left for school. I actually attribute some of my finest elementary school science projects to experiments I saw on the show. Mr. Wizard made science easy and cool, even though most of my friends in school thought doing well in Science was dorky and geeky. It’s because of you, Don Herbert, that I was able to cruise through all of my Science classes with 99 averages and A’s on all of my tests! (coming from the kid who went to college for Music and not Science… go figure…)

Mr Wizard
Godspeed, Mr. Herbert…

If you’d like more information about Don or the show, please visit the Mr. Wizard’s World website, or visit my my good friend TryBecca and read her ‘Mr. Wizard Testimonial‘. Now, I present to you my Daily Moment of Zen. Brian, Stewie… please pay homage to the Wizard…

No.. not THAT wizard!