Major League Greedball: Manny being… you know…

8 04 2011

Thank you, Manny Ramirez, for taking some attention off of the Mets (even if it’s just for today) after they lost to the Nationals today. Dickey looked a little lost on the hill while Zimmermann pulled a ‘Josh Johnson’, the bullpen was equally as spotty, and while sports writers are eating it all up… you decided to call it quits. Thank you, Manny Ramirez. Thank you.

If I really cared about Manny, I’d probably ask a few simple questions like:

Why, Manny Ramirez, would you call it quits so abruptly? You couldn’t help yourself? You stayed with the ‘program’ and were so close to really starting fresh again. So instead of growing a pair (which I’m sure is hard, being that they’re probably the size of raisins by now), you decide to walk away and call it quits like a coward? That’s quite the example you’ve just set. For all of the charities you’ve ever been involved in… For all of the community events you’ve been a part of with the teams you’ve played for… For all of the children and those who dream of walking in the footsteps of some of the greats… You really set quite an example with your cowardly decision.

But I don’t care about Manny. He was caught a second time and instead of being open and honest, another one bites the dust. He’s just another athlete who thought he could cheat the system, and when the system came knocking, he opted into the witness protection program. Typical, cowardly, and forgettable.

Did I mention the Mets looked silly against the Nationals today as they walked 9 batters and… I mean… Steroids McNeedle retired today! Thanks, Manny!



One response

8 04 2011

he just gets away with it!
i wish he could just, for once, take responsibility!

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