In Need of a Message?

28 06 2007

I’m not one to thrust myself into the issues of the world, but I’m not going to sit around and keep quiet either. With all of the constant struggle facing the world around us, it seems very commonplace for people to rise up, speak out, and spread messages of change, love, and good will. I’ve always believed that spreading those uplifting (and sometimes rebellious) messages is best done in song. Music has an amazing effect on our lives, no matter what the sound or feel. I’d like to share with you all, a song that was written by a good friend of mine, Erez Singer, from Israel. He had me to ‘touch up’ his lyrics (because of his below-average English) and allowed me to perform the song with my partner in musical-crime, Matt Aronson during our performances. The song is called “Freedom”, and it was written in remembrance of those who lost their lives during the attacks of September 11th, 2001 and was first performed at The Knitting Factory in New York City in November of 2005.

Whether you dug it, or passed on it, I’m glad I got to share that video with all of you. Staying on the theme of songs with a message, this next video is from one of the greatest bands to ever grace a stage (in my opinion). Tears for Fears was always will be notorious for writing songs with a purpose. That’s why I give you today’s Daily Moment of Zen, Tears for Fears “Sowing The Seeds of Love”, live and empowering! Enjoy!

Anything is possible…

The Austin 10

24 06 2007

That was Soundscape Soul playing live at the Triad Theater in New York City back in January of 2006. Recognize one of the members? That was me singing. My dear friend Matt is on the guitar and singing as well. We formed Soundscape Soul back in the winter of 2004. 1 Album and 1 Single later, we’re still at it, and going strong!

But this year, we’re involved in a competition that could propel us to a level that we have yet to reach. is giving artists and performers the opportunity to perform on live webcast in Austin, TX for a shot at $10,000 and National Exposure. What kind of exposure, you ask? Melissa Suzanne (Season One R&B Winner) has already earned a spot on a Sony/BMG compilation only months after winning the title of FameCast R&B Fenom.

How does FameCast work? It’s very simple. As an artist, we upload a performance or music video to a “stage” we feel is appropriate for us. This season, we chose the “Singer/Songwriter” stage. Once we upload our video to the stage we choose, friends and fans can register for a Fan Account, find our video, and give us a vote. The top vote-getters in each round (of 100, 50, 25, 10, and 5) move on to the next rounds and an overall winner is eventually voted through after the live webcast.

So.. did you enjoy our performance of “Flightless Wings”? It’s a popular song amongst the Soundscape fans. If you really dug it, then we need your support in helping us reach that stage in Austin, TX. It takes less than 5 minutes to do, and all it requires is an email address. Here’s how you can help send us to Austin, TX.

1) Create a Fan Account by ‘Clicking Here
2) Verify your email address after you register.
3) Find our video on the current stage (Top 25) by ‘Clicking Here
4) Scroll through the Top 25 Artists to find Soundscape Soul, and click on our photo.
5) Once our video is playing, click on the “Vote for this Artist” icon below the video.

That was easy! This current round ends on July 3rd at Noon Eastern, and only the Top 10 artists move on to the next round. If you have the time, spread the word to your friends, family, and even coworkers… but only if you have the time, and you really dug the video.

Here’s to Austin! (and my Daily Moment of Zen… enjoy!)

Lean… um… that way!

Feeling Alone?

21 06 2007

Why don’t you go play with yourself!
Seriously, Watch how this guy plays with himself!

Note: This video contains a MAJOR amount of “playing with oneself”. How much is MAJOR? It’s so much, that I can safely call this video my Daily Moment of Zen! Enjoy!

I’m a Little Faklempt

20 06 2007

Talk amongst yourselves…
I’ll give you a topic…

Google Post


[ Note: I found that scribbled onto a Lamp Post on my lunch break in Brooklyn today ]

Okay, I’m still a little faklempt, so continue to talk amongst yourselves…
I’ll give you another topic…


Red Light, Green Light, 1 2 3!

15 06 2007

90s Chart

That is all…

Oh wait, no it’s not. It’s time for my Daily Moment of Zen. 80’s Flashback! (I know.. this is a 90’s post.. but I couldn’t help myself)

I love that song!

Science Is Cool, He Said So!

13 06 2007

Are you a child of the 80’s? Did you watch TV everyday before you left for school? Did you watch Nickelodeon? Did you watch Mr. Wizard’s World? Did you enjoy the show? If you answers ‘Yes’ straight through those five questions, then do I have some news for you.

My fellow Nickelodeon-watching children of the 80’s, we have lost yet another icon of our era of television. Mr. Wizard himself, Don Herbert, lost his battle with cancer yesterday and passed away at the age of 89. In case you might have had a brief memory lapse, here’s a little clip that should jog your memory of the show.

I vividly remember watching Mr. Wizard’s World almost everyday before I left for school. I actually attribute some of my finest elementary school science projects to experiments I saw on the show. Mr. Wizard made science easy and cool, even though most of my friends in school thought doing well in Science was dorky and geeky. It’s because of you, Don Herbert, that I was able to cruise through all of my Science classes with 99 averages and A’s on all of my tests! (coming from the kid who went to college for Music and not Science… go figure…)

Mr Wizard
Godspeed, Mr. Herbert…

If you’d like more information about Don or the show, please visit the Mr. Wizard’s World website, or visit my my good friend TryBecca and read her ‘Mr. Wizard Testimonial‘. Now, I present to you my Daily Moment of Zen. Brian, Stewie… please pay homage to the Wizard…

No.. not THAT wizard!

Anger Management

5 06 2007

Sometimes, people get angry. Sometimes, people get really angry. Sometimes, people get pissed off. The manager of the Mississippi Braves didn’t just get angry, very angry, or pissed off… he went, insane! Observe, in my Daily Moment of Zen.

Only in a Braves uniform…