Barkley 2014

28 10 2008

Alabama, according to this interview, this could be your leader in 2014!

( Insert Sarcasm Here )

Hillary’s Farshnugening Obama!?

3 04 2008

So, Hillary, is it true?

It’s True! Not…

Presidential Pokemon

31 03 2008

While the first video shows Barack Obama as the winner of the upcoming presidential election, that doesn’t mean I share that same vision of ‘hope’. As it turns out, I’ve lost all interest in this year’s Presidential Election. I’m a big fan of Ron Paul, and I hope he shows up during the final campaigns as a nominee. Wait, did I say Ron Paul? It’s too bad you can’t sense sarcasm from reading words on a screen. If you could hear me read that last sentence back to you, it would make me laugh too! But aside from all that hoopla , I’ve been completely turned off by all of the inter-party bickering between Clinton and Obama supporters. As a registered democrat, I no longer feel like I’m part of a united party, but part of a divided a party. (Sarcasm… taking over… make it stop!)

(Thanks CNN and FoxNews for brainwashing me with those terms, and thanks K.C. for helping me point out my own sarcasm!)

But I digress… Enjoy this awesome clip of one person’s vision of this year’s presidential race!

For some reason, ‘Obamachu’ just sounds wrong…

It could also go down like this…

She should have used “Bill’s Big Mouth”!

Since a good majority of readers who’ve left their comments here and on other sites haven’t been able to read into my sense of humor and assume I’m actually supporting anyone, I’ll have to get serious for a moment. If the selection for President of the United States came down to my vote, it would have to go to these guys. (Serious? Me? Did you fall for the sarcasm again? I just can’t stop!)

[ Readers. please keep the comments at a PG level ]

Thanks to all the readers for making this post a WordPress Top Post! And a special thanks to the readers who added this to their StumbleUpon pages for spreading the word about the post and the blog!

Photo Time: Calling ‘Client 9’

12 03 2008

Bill Mitchell created yet another brilliant cartoon. This time, it’s current (and soon to be former in about half an hour) New York State Governor Elliot Spitzer. If you haven’t heard the new, he’s resigning in the midst of allegations of paying for the transportation of a prostitute to see him, and a bunch of other allegations. The cartoon that Bill draws up about the entire situation is brilliant, and I’d like to share it with all of you. Enjoy!

If you missed the actual resignation, I’ve got that for you too. Ready? Set? Go!

I wonder what ‘Client 9’ did with “Kristen” for all that money?

So, now that Spitzer is stepping down by March 17th, you’d think this is all over, right? No way! The American Media would never let that happen! It turns out, that Spitzer’s “call girl” has been identified as Ashley Alexandra Dupre. Was it completely necessary to ‘out’ the girl Spitzer was caught hiring via wiretap? No, I don’t think so. I actually feel terrible for all of the women involved in this whole ‘saga. I feel terrible for Spitzer’s daughters, wife, and entire family. I also feel bad for Ms. Dupre for all of the negative exposure she’s getting.

*sigh*… Such is the American Media. Or, just Media, in general…

Spitzer for President!

Call Me Insensitive

8 10 2007

Regardless of whatever Bill O’Reilly is arguing about, he makes me laugh! This video is an argument between Bill and Geraldo Rivera about a drunk driving death and an involved illegal immigrants status in this country. Sure, what they argue about is nothing to laugh about. But watching their reactions to each other has got me rolling on the floor! Enjoy!

Go Geraldo Go!

Really!?! – Larry Craig

7 10 2007
