Reacting to “2 Girls 1 Cup”

18 12 2007

Whatever you do, don’t watch the video that this clip is in reference to…

Riding The Q

13 12 2007

This morning, I came across that story via an article on that finally made sense to me. While the content’s of the article are somewhat disturbing, the outcome spoke out with peace.

So I ask the question that’s been asked for the longest time: “Why can’t we just get along?”

While you ponder the answer to that question, enjoy today’s video zen!

I love being Jewish in Hymietown!

Not The Daily Show

10 12 2007

I don’t know a whole lot about the ins and outs of the writers strike, but it stinks to see the strike going on. It knocked one of my favorite TV shows off the air. I had reservations to see a live taping of The Daily Show on December 13th as an early birthday present to myself, but the strike has taken that away. I did, however, happen to find a hilarious video of one the Daily Show writers taking a bite out of Viacom! Take it away, Jason!