Bed Bath & Oy!

10 11 2010

The other day, I was shopping in Bed Bath & Beyond. Among the countless number of Christmas gifts and decorations, I stumbled on the one lonely shelving unit of Chanukah gifts and decorations. At first, I was pretty annoyed because, well… Why does Chanukah get a flimsy shelf of stuff while an entire section of the store is decked out in Christmas stuff!?

Then, I saw it. The one thing that I not only want for Chanukah, but that every Jew should own and pass down from generation to generation until the end of time…

The Passion in 5 Seconds

1 04 2008

Yes! Finally, there’s a new ‘5 Second Movie’ that I can thoroughly enjoy! To prepare you, I’ve never been a big fan of Mel Gibson (for some silly reason they call ‘being antisemitic’), and I’ve always been a fan of religious humor. Hell, I knock on my own Jewish roots all the time. While this movie was supposed to be a serious film, and I never did see it (for the same reasons I’m not a fan of Mel Gibson), I can’t help but find this clip to be absolutely hilarious. So, I present to you, The Passion of the Christ in 5 seconds!


Riding The Q

13 12 2007

This morning, I came across that story via an article on that finally made sense to me. While the content’s of the article are somewhat disturbing, the outcome spoke out with peace.

So I ask the question that’s been asked for the longest time: “Why can’t we just get along?”

While you ponder the answer to that question, enjoy today’s video zen!

I love being Jewish in Hymietown!