Pepsi Beats Up Timberlake

4 02 2008

It’s pretty much been established that Justin Timberlake is a hilarious actor. Whenever he was on Saturday Night Live, I couldn’t stop laughing at his crazy antics. Pepsi just released a new commercial during the Super Bowl that features Mr. Timberlake and has a small cameo by his “Dick in a Box” sidekick, Andy Samberg. I think this is one of the funniest commercials of all time, aside from Justin taking a beating. One of these days, I’d like to see Justin take a year off from music and take on a year on SNL as a cast member. But anyway, here’s the commercial spot.

Mailbox, 12 o’clock! Ouch…


16 11 2007

So… Coolbeans?

You Got Punched!

14 11 2007

Believe in Your Dreams!

The Ideal Business Meeting

5 10 2007

Damn You Gigantic Turkey Sub!

Andy Attack!

3 10 2007

Yep, it’s yet another SNL Digital Short. I just can’t help it. Andy Samberg has really grasped on to a killer concept in these shorts! Of course, the “shorts” concept on SNL was hatched way back in the show beginnings, but Andy sure has done a great job of making the shorts a big part of the show! Now, as much as I love “Dick in a Box”, “Iran So Far”, and “Natalie’s Gangster Rap”… this short blows the rest of them away, in my own crazy little world. Enjoy what I like to call, “Andy Attack!” (Even though it’s clearly not the name of this short)

Bad Will Forte… You should know better!

Hot When Angry

3 10 2007

Indeed she is… Indeed she is…

Get Your Boxes Ready!

2 10 2007

30 Helens agree. There’s always time for a Dick in a Box!

High School Farse-ical

30 09 2007

Is anyone else getting sick and tired of the “High School Musical” craze? Amazed at how some people are obsessed with such a cheesy and Disney-fied show? Then join me in laughing at yet another awesome clip from this past weekend’s Saturday Night Live. LeBron James and crew take a hilarious poke at the latest Disney craze!

Iran So Far

30 09 2007

I have officially seen the best SNL Digital Short ever! This one is even better than “Dick in a Box” with Justin Timberlake. This time, Adam Levine and Jake Gyllenhaal join Andy Samberg and Fred Armisen as they take aim at Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. I couldn’t stop laughing when I watched this on SNL last night, and again when NBC had uploaded the short onto YouTube. NBC has taken the clip down, but that doesn’t mean I couldn’t find another working clip. Enjoy!

EDIT: YouTube is removing the video from its users based on a violation claim ever since NBC took the original video down. Eventually, the clip below will disappear as I run out of YouTube url’s to use. Enjoy the clip while it lasts!

Click Here to visit the video’s YouTube page!
Click Here for the song’s lyrics so you can sing along!