April Fools Day: Warcraft Hero!

1 04 2008

So, for the second time this morning, Blizzard Entertainment launched an April Fools day offensive. After ‘launching’ their new Warcraft console game, they announced a new player class for their upcoming expansion pack, ‘Wrath of the Lich King‘. The ‘Bard’ was announced as a new player class that would call for some pretty ‘nifty’ keyboard usage. Blizzard also announced that they’ll be shipping out a guitar-based keyboard, because the interface of the bard class will look somewhat similar to that of ‘Guitar Hero’. Enjoy the photos!

Bard Play 1
We built this city…

Bard Play 2
A classic gamer’s guitar!

Bard Play 3
I gotta have more cowbell!

April Fools Day: A Gamer’s Prank

1 04 2008

As some of you readers might not know, I do enjoy a nice session of Warcraft. But what I didn’t know, is that the creators of Warcraft, over at Bilzzard Entertainment, love a good prank. So when I woke up this morning, forgetting that today is April Fools day, I saw a page for a new console-ready Warcraft game. By the middle of reading all about it, I finally realized that it was all a big prank. Silly Blizzard, you ‘half’ got me! What was even funnier about the prank, is that they went through the trouble of creating a trailer for this ‘new game’. So, without any further interruptions, I bring you: “World of Warcraft: The Molten Core” (for the Atari 2600 platform)

Has Sound! Woohoo!