Movie Review: Up (Disney / Pixar)

8 06 2009


After watching this movie over and over again, I believe the status of Brad Lidge… wait… I mean Brad Lidge’s ERA will continue to skyrocket towards the stars!

Props to Ray Dussault over at the Global New York Mets Fan Group on Facebook for the image.

Disney World – Gaza Style

9 05 2007

I came home from work, checked my email, and made some dinner… It was the typical routine for me after a long day in the office. But today was a little different. My sister came home and showed me the front page of a local newspaper. what was on the front page? This!

Mickey Mouse Hamas

Are you kidding me? And we’re all worried about Barry Bonds and steroids? And we’re all worried about Paris Hilton and her 45-day jail sentence? And we’re all worried about American Idol? Give me a break! Mickey Mouse has been taken to a whole new level (thanks to Al Aqsa TV) by spreading a very chilling message of hate. Disney, if you’re watching, I hope you’re doing *something*, because I’m sure Walt is rolling in his grave!

(Note: If you have children, this might hit home a little harder for you. As disgusting and hateful as this video is, I feel obligated to share it in order to show everyone that there are more important things going on in this world to be worried about than Barry Bonds or Paris Hilton)

And I thought Fox News was bad… Yikes…